Why outsourced IT solutions are perfect for smaller businesses

 In IT Managed Support

In-house IT support is not usually the best option for start-ups and SMEs. For many smaller, less established businesses in-house IT support is both prohibitively expensive and totally unnecessary. For these businesses, it’s usually better to completely outsource their IT support. An outsourced, managed IT solution is a great fit for most SMEs. There are 5 major reasons for this so that you can decide whether this type of IT support solution is what your business needs.

  1. Maintaining your IT system without breaking the bank

You might think that you need to hire an in-house IT department for expert to have your computer system maintained properly, but this isn’t the case. Outsourced IT solutions don’t just fix computers when they break: they also provide regular maintenance for your systems. Small businesses that can’t afford to keep an in-house IT department so can outsource to a managed IT service to ensure that their computer systems remain up to date.

  1. Saving valuable office space

IT departments require specialised computing equipment and multiple employees, so they take up a significant amount of office space. If you run a small business, office space is at a premium, so you probably don’t want to waste it on an in-house IT solution. Outsourced IT services are based off-site: they have their own premises. This means that, if you run a small business, you can take advantage of the best experts and equipment without having to house them yourself.

  1. Drawing on years of experience and expertise

Building an IT department into a team of experts who can handle any computer-related problem takes years. Obviously, this is an investment of time that smaller businesses simply can’t make. Outsourced IT solutions are provided by existing teams of experts who already have years of experience to draw on.


  1. Getting the service you need, when you need it

Outsourced IT departments provide everything on demand, from basic repairs to cloud computing assistance. As a small business owner, you can draw on their expertise at any time without committing to a costly IT solution or employees (who take holidays and personal leave).

  1. Virtual IT Leadership

Regular IT reviews, strategic planning, risk and lifecycle management and budgeting are part of an outsource IT solution. This enables business to focus on their core service offerings, knowing that there will be no nasty IT surprises that will hold you back.

Here at Integer IT, we are proud to act as an outsourced IT department for businesses of all sizes. If you feel like you could benefit from any of the advantages we’ve listed above, get in touch with us ASAP.

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